DCGP's step-by-step
or how to join Drift Corner Grand Prix Competition in easy steps

0. Intro
I. Registration
II. Car, livery
III. Days of Quali
IV. Top48

0. Intro

If you're new to Drift Corner Grand Prix (DCGP) Competition, we highly suggest getting familiar with this tutorial. It may be very handy for you ;)

DCGP Discord is the main source of any kind of info related to Comp (especially check "Competition" tab channels). Be sure to stay online during Comp and change your nickname for your real name, so if any kind of trouble happen, we can find you and provide you necessary help. Voice chat is not necessary, but we encourage you to use it ;)

Make sure to figure everything out before Comp time, because during the Quali or Top48 DCGP staff will not have as much time to help you.

I. Registration

Everyone is allowed to register in Competition, we don't have any licenses or other unnecessary stuff. Participants that are less than 16 years old need to fill parent's "Data processing agreement for underage" to sign up (link).

If you want to take part in any round of DCGP season, first thing you have to do is sign in at website via Steam (needs to be the same account as you will be driving in Comp!).

When registering at the website, BE SURE TO ENTER YOUR REAL NAME AND SURNAME. If you have as many names as Picasso (Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso), use shortened form: f.e. Pablo Picasso.

Next step is to join the Season.

After that, when registration for next round is open (most of the time it will be a week before) you have to register for this certain round and pay entry fee.

From now on, you're good to go and take part in Comp.

II. Car, livery

You can pick any car you want, but only from the current DCGP car pack (link). We do not allow any personal cars in DCGP.

We do not allow any changes in car data files - competition server will kick you out automatically if checksums find any fishy moves ;D (red screen and info: "Checksum failed. You have been kicked out of the race").

In Season X you cannot change your car between rounds. Choose wisely.

Drivers have possibility to make their own and unique liveries, that will be visible during Quali and Top48. Personal livery is NOT mandatory.

Every livery needs to have DCGP Sponsors stickers (link). At this (link) photo you will find placement, where you should put them. You can change their colors etc. to fit your design, but one thing - they need to be visible.

Skin weight limit: 30MB unpacked, 25MB packed (.zip).

- to remove some body parts (f.e. spoiler) via ext_config file. BEFORE uploading a skin, please contact Mattie or Makki via Discord for approval!
- put neons underneath the car with constantly glowing light (no pulsing/flashing etc.).

- stroboscope/pulsing lights - if you change something with lights, they cannot flash/pulse etc.
- front window, driver and passenger windows cannot be tinted (you cannot make it black or in any fancy colors).
- rear brake lights cannot be changed by any means(!).
- painting cannot contain any offensive, vulgar or 18+ elements.

Designs that violate rules above will not be allowed to use in Comp, and Organizer will change it to default.

The last day of uploading skins is FRIDAY before the Round. Any changes after this day MAY NOT be working!

III. Days of Quali

It's game time! Make sure:
- to check website in which Quali group you drive,
- Quali groups will be split (more or less) into 2 halves - one half will go on Monday and second on Tuesday,
- judges are announcing at Discords #quali channel APPROXIMATE time of each Quali group - it is NOT binding but may help you to know +/- when you drive,
- BEFORE Quali time, please find "DCGP Main Event server".

Judges at #quali are writing which group is currently asked to join the server.

Join the server ONLY with your group. Try to make it as quick as possible, because connecting while someone is driving may interrupt the best run of the day. The server will automatically pick your name, car and livery according to data from the website.

You won't be able to connect with another group. No, you cannot switch between groups.

> I'm not gonna be on time for my group, what to do?
  • Monday and Tuesday, after last group, we're doing "late group" for all drivers that were late for their original groups. In reasonable cases(!) it is also an option to drive in different day using late group.
> I'm on server with my group, what's next?
  • right after opening server session, judges often allow all the drivers to make a try few warm-up runs. It is only possible when judges say so!
  • then, after judges say "PIT" you HAVE TO teleport to pit lane and wait for your turn.
  • please read in-game chat - you will be called by your name.
  • after a call, please drive to start line and wait for being started by judges.
  • after finishing your 1st run, please drive(!) back to the start line. Using teleport (or back-to-pits) will be counted as 0 points for the second run.
  • after each run at the chat, you will see how many points you get.
IV. Top48

You got into tandems, well done mate!

Here is what you need to know:
  • bracket is divided into groups - judges at #top48 are writing which group is currently asked to join the server.
  • join the server ONLY with your group. Try to make it as quick as possible, because connecting while someone is driving may interrupt the best run of the day. The server will automatically pick your name, car and livery according to data from the website.
  • after each group, there will be a server restart. From top 8 there will be no restarts.
  • remember, you always have the right to protest - according to Rulebook.
Good luck and have fun!